
How And Where To Start A Blog

Want to just get started? Click here to sign up for Hostinger and start your website today.

Fact: The blog you're reading now generates hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.

Millions of readers flock to this blog each month.

You can do it, too.

Using some proven methods, Quicksprout grew from a tiny little site with a few articles to an income-generating powerhouse.

And now, we want to share our secrets with you.

Quickstart guide to blogging

Already have a blog name and idea— and just want to get started?

Go to Hostinger and sign up for a Premium Shared Hosting plan for just $1.99 per month. This is the best web host for beginners, and the easiest way to get a great blog up and running.

That price is for a four-year plan, but it is the best deal. Bar none. You get web hosting, a free domain name, email accounts, a website builder, and everything you need to launch a site in one low-cost bundle.

Once you register an account with Hostinger, you will be walked through the process of setting up the type of site you want to create. I'll go through the steps in more detail below, but the essential steps are as follows:

  • When it asks you which type of site you want to create, select the Blog option.
  • You'll then have the option to Claim your free domain–do that, unless you want to buy additional domains or connect one that you already own to Hostinger.
  • When you can select a content management system (CMS), I highly recommend installing WordPress.
  • Next choose a theme that determines the layout of your site. You can always change this later, so don't overthink it.
  • Review and confirm all your choices. Make sure all the information is correct and click Finish Setup.
  • Log into your new site and start blogging. Let your ideas flow in a consistent writing schedule.

If you want to make money, the steps are simple from here: Find your first customer, then your second customer, then your third customer, then your—well, I think you get the picture.

Of course, there's a ton of different ways to make money. We'll dive into that later.

Let's dive into the entire blog-making process in full.

Step 1: Find a blog idea

This is arguably the most important step for your blog.

Choosing your blog's topic (or niche) determines the rest of the website's future. This is what you're going to be writing about and — hopefully — making money from.

The good news: There's practically an audience out there for every single topic you might be interested in.

BUT there are some topics that tend to perform better than others. You need to find a topic that appeals to a big audience while still appealing to you.

To find the perfect blog niche, you'll need to answer two questions:

1. What am I interested in?

What topic do you love? What are you obsessed with?

This is the basis of your blog niche. After all, if you don't love the topic, you're not going to want to write about it day after day.

To help answer this question, I suggest looking towards several areas:

  • Talents. Is there something you're naturally talented at? Maybe a sport, game, or musical instrument.
  • Expertise. What skills and knowledge have you built up over the years? Maybe there's something you went to school for that you can write about now. Think academic subjects or skills like languages and car repair.
  • Career. Your current career can be a fantastic place to write about. For example, if you're a developer for a startup, you can start blogging about front-end development or the tech industry.
  • Hobbies and passions. Is there a topic you just love learning about? Think about the things you do in your free time. Maybe it's reading books, or working on your fantasy novel, or repairing that old car in your garage. This can be great topics to write about in your blog.

ACTION STEP: Write down 10 – 15 topics you're interested in. Pull up a Word document or sheet of paper and actually write this down. It'll help you keep your ideas focused. Plus, you can refer back to it later when you make your final decision.

2. What are other people interested in?

This area is a bit trickier.

You need to find out what other people are interested in as well. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a blog that doesn't draw in a lot of people.

For example, you might think that a blog all about how wonderful your dog is is super interesting — but is that going to draw in a lot of people?

On the other hand, a blog about how to take care of and train dogs appeals to a much bigger audience of readers.

You need to take your personal interest and find a way to make it universal. Think back to how you initially gained interest in the topic. How did you gather expertise in the topic?

Think of all the questions and confusions you had when you started out and what helped you gain expertise.

To help, here are a few popular categories that always do well:

  • Personal finance
  • Fitness
  • Online business
  • Investing
  • Productivity
  • Real estate
  • Careers
  • Test prep
  • Freelancing

Pro tip: Use Google's Keyword Planner tool to see how often people search for a specific category or niche. It'll reveal what people are and aren't interested in.

ACTION STEP: Take a look at your list from before. Do any of them fall under these categories? If not, that's okay! There's probably still an audience out there for one of your topics.

For now, I want you to choose a topic from your list that you want to turn into a blog. Once you do, you're going to make it even more specific and niche it down.

For example, you might want to start a personal finance website. Niching it down might mean you make a personal finance website for millennials making $100,000 a year. Or for thirty-somethings who want to retire early. Or whatever else

Step 2: Find the perfect domain name

Now the fun part: choosing your blog's name. For this, I have good news and bad news.

  • Bad news: Most of the very "best" domain names are already taken. The Internet is decades old. Makes sense.
  • Good news: That doesn't matter because we're going to find the best one for you.

Here are a few good rules-of-thumb to keep in mind when choosing a good name:

  • Keep it short. Don't force potential visitors to have to type a bunch of words to visit your website. We recommend no more than 14 characters.
  • Choose a .com, .org, or .net. These are the easiest ones for people to remember.
  • Easy to spell and pronounce. You don't want to spell it out constantly for people when you mention your blog's domain.
  • Avoid numbers and hyphens. Not only does it look clunky in the URL but it's also difficult to type out when you add hyphens.
  • Use your name. It's pretty likely that your name is available as a domain. That makes it the perfect choice for a personal blog. I'll speak more on this later.

When you come up with a domain you like, head toHostinger to see if it's available using their domain tool. If it is, great! If not, you now have two options:

  1. Search until you find an available domain. I highly recommend you do this until you find a domain that's available. If you're going to write a blog, sharpen your synonym skills by searching other words and phrases that might be available. Trust me. As a working writer, this is a VERY crucial skill.
  2. Purchase a domain name. While it is possible to buy a domain from someone who already has it, that's an advanced option and can get expensive fast. Low-quality domains will usually go for a few thousand dollars. Highly quality domains that are two words can easily go for $10,000 to $50,000. I've even been in discussions to purchase domains for over $100,000 and the really hot ones can break seven figures. Not to mention all the hassle that comes from finding the person who owns the domain, negotiating with them, and transferring the domain if you even reach an agreement.

Your best bet is to keep going until you find a domain that you like and can purchase directly from a domain registrar for about $10.

We go into lots of detail on which domain registrar to use here. But I highly suggest you buy a web host that allows you to register a domain for free. That means going with Hostinger.

Using your personal name as the domain

If this is your first blog and you're not completely sure what you want to blog about, I recommend that you use your personal name.

The reason is that changing your domain later will mean that you have to start over from scratch. There are a lot of mistakes in blogging that can be corrected later; having the wrong domain isn't one of them.

Let's say you pick a domain like Then after six months, you realize you'd rather be doing personal finance blogging for doctors. You'd need to get a new domain and start over from scratch.

Personal domains are much more flexible — it's just a name after all. So if you jump categories after a few months, it's not a big deal. Take down any old content that's not relevant with your new direction, start posting new content, and you're good to go.

That said, personal domains have two major downsides:

  1. Scalability. It's much more difficult to recruit other writers or grow your blog beyond your personal identity later on.
  2. Profitability. Personal blogs, even if they're generating serious cash, are much harder to sell. Prospective buyers want a site that isn't dependent on a single person.

However, these are pretty advanced problems to have. If this is your first blog, the benefits of using your name as the domain greatly outweigh the costs that only show up down the road.

ACTION STEP: Pick a domain name and run with it.

While it's important to pick a good, brandable domain name, the most important thing to do in this step is to make a decision and go. You don't want to be stuck in the dreaded state of "paralysis by analysis." Instead, just choose one based on the system above and run with it.

Go deeper: Want to learn more about this topic? Check out our article on how to buy the right domain name.

Step 3: Sign up for Hostinger

A web hosting provider offers server space to host your website. This is where your website "lives."

People who visit your website do so through this server. It's one of the most important elements of your website.

We went through all the main hosts for WordPress sites (by far the best tool for blogging) and put together our recommendations here.

But really the choice boils down to one option: Hostinger

  • Normally $10.19/month
  • Free domain and SSL certificate
  • Create up to 100 websites
  • 30-day money back guarantee

Get a 80% discount!

For your first blog, you want a host that is popular, trusted, easy to use, reliable, and reasonably priced. No need for anything fancy.

Hostinger fits this need perfectly. The best part is that its plans start at $1.99/month (when using our discount link). That's a steal considering how many positive reviews it gets.

For the vast majority of folks starting blogs, Hostinger is going to be the best bet for hosting their blog.

ACTION STEP: Sign up for Hostinger

If you're just starting out and would like very affordable, yet reliable web hosting, Hostinger is perfect.

Step 4: Install WordPress

Your website needs a content management system (CMS). This allows you to create and manage blog posts.

There's only one option for this: WordPress.

Seriously, just use WordPress.

That's because it's easily one of the most powerful, easy-to-use, and customizable CMSs out there.

WordPress powers roughly one-third of the internet. That's how popular it is.

Use WordPress for your blog, end of story.

Because of how popular WordPress is, most web hosts offer a one-click install for WordPress. It's super easy.

Of course, you might want to use a dedicated blogging platform like Medium or even LinkedIn. There are a few good reasons to go with a blogging platform. However, I generally recommend owning your own platform. That way you have fuller control over who your audience is and what you get to write.

ACTION STEP: Install WordPress on your host.

Hostinger makes it really easy–you will actually handle the WordPress install during the signup process.

Once you tell Hostinger the type of site you want to create (a blog in this case), it will offer you a few appropriate CMS options. Simply select WordPress:

Complete the rest of the signup process, and launch your site. Once it's ready, Hostinger will prompt you to activate WordPress the first time you sign in.

Anytime you want to interact with your WordPress site, you can find it on the lefthand sidebar of your Hostinger dashboard.

Step 5: Pick an eye-catching WordPress theme

It'sveryeasy to change your site's look and feel with WordPress.

The best part: No coding knowledge is required.

That's because WordPress uses "themes." These are little packages of code that can be swapped in and out. Whenever you change your theme, your site will also change but your blog content stays the same.

This makes it very easy to evolve your site over time without having to rebuild your entire site from scratch.

Hostinger actually has you choose a theme during the setup process, just after you select WordPress as your CMS.

Hostinger is going to offer a bunch of free themes for you to get started. There were 38 when I signed up.

Choose something that you like, but don't get too precious about it at this point. You can switch up your theme later with very little work.

The number of themes out there makes me dizzy. There are thousands of free and paid themes out there already, and the WordPress community is always creating more.

When picking a theme for any of my blogs, I go straight to StudioPress. The themes are a bit more expensive at $130. (Most themes go for $20–50.) But it's totally worth it.

StudioPress was purchased by WP Engine and WP Engine now includes all the StudioPress themes as part of its hosting package. It's a nice freebie if you are already planning on hosting your site with WP Engine.

If you want a wider selection of WordPress themes at standard prices, Themeforest is the most popular WordPress theme marketplace. You'll find just about anything you want in its selection.

Because it's so easy to select your first theme with Hostinger (one click during the setup process), I want to show you how to switch up your theme in the future. It's not much harder at all.

ACTION STEP: Purchase a theme and add it to your website.

After you purchase your theme, log into your WordPress blog, go to the Theme section which is under Appearance in the WordPress sidebar menu. Then follow the instructions for adding the theme.

You'll have to upload the theme files to WordPress and activate the theme from within WordPress. You can find the upload option by going to Themes > Add New, a button towards the top. Then you'll see this option to upload:

You'll be able to manage any themes you've uploaded to your WordPress blog from your Themes section:

Step 6: Install WordPress plugins

One of the best parts about WordPress is that it's infinitely customizable. Since it's open-source, you can change it to do whatever you want.

The easiest way to make changes is with plugins. Plugins are little batches of software you can install within WordPress to get extra functionality. This is how you'll add a bunch of extra features to your site without having to code anything yourself.

BUT be careful here and try not to go overboard.

Some bloggers will install dozens or even hundreds of plugins on their blogs. That can cause a bunch of problems later on.

Not only can plugins cause unexpected conflicts with each other, they become a security liability since it's unlikely that every plugin owner will maintain the plugin over time. They also become a huge headache to manage.

When you have that many plugins, you're never sure which plugin is causing a particular problem.

I like to keep my plugins limited to 5–10 amazing plugins.

ACTION STEP: Download helpful plugins

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Akismet – Required for every blog, it automatically filters a ton of comment spam which is a problem for every blogger. This is one of the few plugins that I happily pay to upgrade.
  • Yoast SEO – The most highly recommended SEO plugin, it handles a bunch of SEO tasks automatically for you and also makes on-page SEO tasks a lot easier.
  • Contact Form 7 – The most popular contact form out there. Set up a contact page on your site and then use this plugin to create a contact form that will email you any time someone fills out the form. Super easy.
  • TinyMCE Advanced – A bunch of improvements to the WordPress editor that makes writing in WordPress a lot easier. These days, I usually skip this one. I write all my posts in Google Docs and then format them in WordPress using its default HTML editor.
  • WP Super Cache – A good plugin to speed up your site.
  • MailChimp for WordPress – More on this below. It's the easiest way to connect your WordPress site to a MailChimp account, create an email sign up form, and start collecting email subscribers.
  • WordPress Popular Posts – Easiest way to add a list of your most popular posts to your blog sidebar. The list will update automatically.

Step 7: Install Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free website analytics tool from Google. It allows you to do things like:

  • See how many people are visiting your website
  • Find the demographic info of your visitors
  • See what blog posts and pages are receiving the most visits

But it can get very complicated, very quickly.

This is why we're going to ignore the majority of what's in Google Analytics for now.

All you need to do is create a Google Analytics account and install it on your blog.

And while there are plenty of good reasons to install Google Analytics, there are two big ones I'd point to:

First, Google Analytics stores your data over time. When you're ready to dive in later, you'll be thankful that you've been collecting data since the beginning.

Second, it's exhilarating to watch people visit your site in the beginning. I remember the first time Google Analytics recorded a visitor on my first blog. I thought it was a mistake. "Someone visited my site? Really? Why would they do that? Who are they? Did they like it?"

Seeing those first visitors come in will give you a huge motivation boost. Even if you only check Google Analytics to see your total traffic, it's well worth the time it takes to set up.

It's also pretty easy to set up. Here's a step-by-step guide to help:

Step 1: Log into Google Analytics

This is simple. Go to Google Analytics and click on Start Measuring.

If you're not logged into a Google account, it'll ask you to log in to your Google account. If you have one, do so. If not, create one and log in with that.

Step 2: Create your Google Analytics Account

On this screen, it'll ask you to provide an account name. Use the name of your website or blog for this.

Don't worry about the boxes with the checkmarks for now. You can always change them later.

Once you do that, click on Next at the bottom.

Step 3: Choose what you want to measure

This screen asks you to choose whether you want to measure a website, an app, or a combination of both.

Choose Web since you're creating a blog.

Then click Next.

Step 4: Fill in the property details

It'll now ask you to fill in some details about your website including its name, the URL, your industry category, and your timezone.

Once you've done that, click on Create at the bottom.

Step 5: Copy and paste the tracking code onto your site

Once your account is created, you'll have a unique JavaScript tracking code for your site. When you copy and paste that snippet of code into your site, Google Analytics will start collecting data for you.

Voila! That's it. You are now tracking Google Analytics for your website.

Step 8: Set up your email list

Every marketing engine I've built for companies has relied on emails at its core.

And there's a good reason for that: Email lists are the best marketing tool. Period.

Think of your email list as a giant laser ray you can focus on any offer you want. Selling consulting? Pitch your list to the reader.

Publishing a new blog post? Pitch your list at the bottom of the blog post.

A podcast just interviewed you? Pitch your list to the podcast's audience.

Of all the marketing channels that have come and gone over the years, nothing compares to the power of a high-quality email list.

Even if you're not sure what to send your email subscribers, that's okay. The important thing is you start gathering a list of subscribers and build the foundation early.

ACTION STEP: Create an email list.

Using Constant Contact or other email marketing services, start collecting emails on your blog so that the list is ready for you as soon as you need. It takes time to build a decent size list so your future self will be extremely grateful if you set it up now.

Even a super basic opt-in in your blog sidebar is enough to get you started.

Don't even worry about sending any emails yet unless you want to. The main thing is that you're collecting email subscribers from the beginning. Email lists can be a gold mine once you have a few thousand subscribers, and the money really rolls in once you have 10,000 subscribers and above.

Step 9: Pick a blogging cadence

Writing blog posts isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Actually, it's more like a multi-day backpacking trip.

The best bloggers settle into a consistent writing pace they can maintain for a few years. That's right, years.

Here are a few posting frequency rules of thumb:

  • At the bare minimum, find a way to post once per week. This needs to be a substantial post, too: 2,000 words at least. I recommend you start here.
  • Serious bloggers will post 2-3 times per week.
  • Larger sites quickly get to 5-7 posts per week. This requires multiple authors.
  • The heavy hitters who push things to the limit will do 25-50 posts per week. No joke, this is for large businesses using content marketing as their primary customer acquisition channel. HubSpot is a classic example of this.

It will get easier to publish posts the more you do it. Getting several posts out the door each week might sound like a lot now, but over time, every part of your process will get quicker.

The important thing is to start your blogging cadence off on the right foot. Begin with a weekly publishing rhythm, and build from there.

ACTION STEP: Start posting at least once a week.

I know writing isn't easy. After writing blog posts full-time for three months, I always want to throw my MacBook out the window. It's a grind for all of us. This is why I recommend starting at one post per week.

That still gives you the majority of the week to focus on other aspects of your site while also giving you a break from writing blog posts all the time.

A really great post should take you two days to complete. The first day is for research and outlining, along with as much writing as you can complete. The second day is for finishing the writing, proofreading, and publishing the post in WordPress.

Also, push quality as hard as you can. The key to building a site and traffic over time is to write posts that are more valuable than what other people have already published in your category.

Step 10: Build an audience

There's a super famous article in blogging circles: 1,000 True Fans.

Basically, getting 1,000 true fans means you can fully support yourself. You can quit your job, work from wherever you like, and be in complete control of your life. All from hitting a very reasonable goal of 1,000 true fans.

With blogging, you'll build your audience of 1,000 true fans slowly and consistently.

As long as you keep at it, you will get there. Typically, it takes a few years.

ACTION STEP: Use this system to get 1,000 true fans.

Here's what to focus on in order to get there faster:

  • Always post at least once per week. Never skip a week.
  • Start posting 2-3 times per week if you can.
  • On every post, push on quality as hard as you can. Google the topic and see what other people have done, then ask yourself how you can write something even better.
  • Write stuff that hasn't been written to death already. Find a new take or perspective on your topics that other people haven't already covered.
  • Find your voice and be authentic so people can get to know you. This builds connections with your audience faster. A quick hack for this is to pretend that you're writing your posts to a close friend.
  • Allow your readers to comment. Disqus has a ton of users and allows readers to leave feedback, praise your post, or leave criticism for it. If you're up to engaging your first core readers, leverage this to make a solid connection with them.
  • To push even harder, get active in other online communities. Post in Facebook groups, subreddits, on Twitter, do podcast interviews, get speaking engagements when you can – anything and everything. Be as helpful as you can be in these communities.
  • For all of your content, constantly ask yourself, "How can I make this as valuable as possible?

As your blog audience matures you will want to change your traffic strategies as you grow.

Step 11: Monetize your blog

There are three ways blogs make money.

Yes, only three. They are:

  • Infoproducts. Online courses, webinars, e-books, etc.
  • Affiliate programs. You work with a brand to promote their products and you get a cut of any sales.
  • Freelancing and consulting. You use your blog as a platform to find clients and customers for your own services.

Here's a quick primer on how they work:

How Infoproducts Work

I could write a book on this. For now, we'll keep it simple. Here's the model:

  1. Get people to visit your site.
  2. On your site, give them a reason to subscribe to your email list.
  3. Once they're an email subscriber, run them through a launch funnel. These are email funnels specifically designed to sell infoproducts. Usually, these are courses that include a bunch of video lessons.
  4. Depending on your volume and target market, you'll convert about 0.5% to 1% of new email subscribers into a customer at a price of $500-$2,000 for your course. At volume, that adds up fast.

Now, this sounds too good to be true. While there are a few catches, it's mostly true. What are the catches?

First, you'll need to get extremely good at direct-response copy.

Second, it helps to be in the right category. People want money, status, and relationships.

How Affiliate Programs Work

It's pretty simple: You go about creating as large of an audience as possible. Then, throughout your content, you recommend products that are helpful to that audience.

When your audience clicks through the link of that recommendation, they get a special tracking code. If they end up purchasing, you get a cut of the sale.

The main downside is that only a small percentage of people will ever click through and an even smaller percentage of people will purchase. So it really helps to have a massive amount of traffic in order to make enough money from your blog.

How freelancing and consulting works

While infoproducts and affiliates are the main ways to make serious money, you also need serious traffic in order to make them work. At least if you want them to work well enough to make six figures per year…

That's why I believe freelancing and consulting is the best way for beginners to start making money fast blogging.

To make money quickly, this is by far your best option. It's also the easiest to do.

When I worked at I Will Teach You To Be Rich, our freelancing programs taught thousands of people how to get started freelancing. What always blew me away was how life-changing those first few freelancing gigs are.

I went through that exact change myself. Years ago, I started my personal blog and got a few freelancing clients doing it. I'll never forget that first $100 payment sent via PayPal. The amount sounds so small now, but the real impact was knowing that I personally produced that income myself.

Guess how much traffic that personal blog of mine has? Only a few thousand visitors per month, spread across about 20 blog posts.

Anyone can create a blog that size and use it for freelancing lead generation. It's enough to build a client base that pays you $3,000 to $5,000 per month. That's enough to quit your job. That's life-changing.

And it's a much easier goal to hit than a full-ramped affiliate or infoproduct marketing machine. You always have the option to build that stuff later anyway.

What about all those other monetization methods?

Most of them are a waste of time. The impact on revenue is marginal, it's a complete distraction. A few are worth doing for marketing and branding. The rest should be ignored entirely. Here's the list that bloggers always try at some point:

  • Books – Great for marketing. Adds a ton of credibility to your brand. But you won't feel the impact on revenue at all.
  • Events – I loathe events with every fiber of my being. All the risk is front-loaded, all contracts get locked up ahead of time, they're a pain to sell, and you don't even know if you'll make any money until right before the event. Even if you do make money, the margins are terrible. For me, these are complete distractions and a huge opportunity cost for the business.
  • Banner ads (Google Ads, formally Adsense, for example) – The last time these made any decent money was around 2003. These days, I'm not even sure it's possible to get banner ads to cover your hosting bill. I'm only partially joking.
  • Speaking – Done the right way, occasional speaking can be a great brand builder. And while it sounds amazing to get paid $20,000 per speaking gig, it's not nearly as amazing once you learn most speakers never get paid, it takes months worth of work to create a talk that commands that kind of fee, you really need a New York Times Bestseller in order to charge real fees, and you'll get so sick of hotel rooms after the first year that you'll never want to travel again. Do speaking gigs when good opportunities come up; don't build a business on them.

Don't let this discourage you though. The important thing is that you get started building your blog and writing. Do it consistently and stick to the system, and you'll find that success comes quicker than you think.

That brings us to our last action step…

LAST ACTION STEP: Keep Growing! Read articles on how to start and grow a successful blog

We've been writing about blogging and how to make money blogging on Quick Sprout for years. Check out Everything About Blogging for an annotated list of what you should read next.

How And Where To Start A Blog


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